The Norman Conquest 59
" in accord with our mm , , , Henry ''should elect,
"saving ttlwayw the htmuur and respect duo to
Henry m'tual King, and, we hope, future Emperor,"
it tuldfil "ant! to those of his successors who
shall haw cihtatnctl this right personally from the
Holy Si*t\" Tin* Empire wur* now governed by a
woman* ami Hewy IV. wan n child, but it wtis
im'vitnhif that In tt»«s the wording of the
,ni«j»ttl !«• (imvituuunt frtmi tltirmany.

it }*{nrtiuul authurily ttmld not stand
alone rllhrr mmmt tlut Etupim or the Roman
|intricbiiu«, t««j*cHmi iitlit»« must be found. It was
tho Church from her
i, in winning over the Normans, m allies
of the Cluniac Pupucy, to defend Rtmie at once
from the* (k*nmin», and front the Htmian and
TiU5r»lit« iifihlrn, who with u FU'iUHHet or Cadtdus
ai» unit i**!^" iiifriifriit'tl to undo UKI work of a
**t Rt*f»ri!i» itittl annul thw election decree

In t«»5H, HiUMmtnd rantti south, At Monte
Car*4m* titJ« friiiui I3«*nliit*ritit* wtutahlxn, in Salerno,
hir» mlmlrrr tin* |K*t»t Alfan w»a Archbinhop; the
two atwul fyr CJmrrh Hrforni in the south. After
wryrittg tin* ifffntl ilrfirrlicriiw* nblx»y against the
I4t,ti4i*ki4 itf C*#i|iiMt by a jtntrlicitl recognition of
Kichnrtl* fir trinrnwi iitirth with three hundred
nn t«i rniwt, In the wtttimer o£
ic>5«), l\w rttf*p hiftwlf ritmi* to it great synod at
tltr ifutil-ilati Nonnanii mingled with
thr bislt«fe nlilic»tft of the soutli. Little